Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Media Diet

This Media Diet project has made realize how much I am exposed to the media everyday. For 5 days in a row i wrote down when i watched TV, went on internet sites, read books or magazines. Everyday that i recorded i went on facebook and watched TV. I limited my time on the internet because of all the homework that i had, but everyday I spent about an hour on facebook, and about 20 minutes on the SCU website checking my email. On day one, I read the People magazine at the gym, and i also read my Spanish textbook. I rarely ever read books unless i have to for school. The show that I watched on TV was Jersey shore and LAW and Order SVU. Day 2 I also read another magazine at the gym, and watched Law and Order SVU (I watched SVU every night before bed except on Day 3.) Day 3 I also went on my computer for about an hour and a half for facebook and to check email. Also i watched the Goodmorning America 7 o clock news with my roomate before going to school. On Day 4 i was exposed to my usual daily media consumption except i also watched the move "The Town" which I enjoyed. Day 5 i did the usual hour and a half f internet use, read a magazine at the gym and watched SVU law and order. My daily media consumption was consistent for the most part because i have a set daily rountine schedule, but on average I probably spent about 5 hours a day reading, watching TV, and using the internet.


  1. I envy your schedule! The reason I don't go to the gym because I spend too much time online. It's important not to neglect your health because media is enjoyable, if not distracting.

  2. You bring up an interesting point about your set media consumption schedule. While I have never thought about it, I realize that I check my email at certain times, read at certain times, and use the internet at the same times every day. My media use is also consistent, but it takes up so much of my life that I don't even think about it.
